This single project-size of Rigid Wrap is wonderful for smaller sculpture projects.

See the Helpful Information links below for more details. lake) Remove the cut foam - but keep the piece for the other tray (e.g. Prices Reviews and tests Statistics Product information Only in stock. Cut the foam in to the desired land/water form (e.g. Activa Rigid Wrap Plaster Cloth 8x180' Compare prices from 9.89 to 29.55. Cut foam to fit in the bottom of the tray. Activa Rigid Wrap Plaster Cloth activates easily by dipping in water, sets quickly (in 5 minutes) and is reliably durable and paintable within just 30 minutes. Procedure: Part 1: Cutting the Foam Place a photographic tray on the table. Ideal as a general use sculpting medium for art and craft projects - masks, jewelry, home decor, props, volcanoes for school science fairs.

Dip a strip of Plaster Rigid Wrap Cloth into a bowl of water. One of the fastest mediums for mask making, jewelry, sculpture, home decor projects. beads, faux jewels, feathers, fur and fabric, ribbons, paint, and more. Cut you Plaster Rigid Wrap Cloth into 1 inch strips. Consistent from roll to roll, every time. Plaster cloth (also known as plaster of paris tape, gauze, plaster bandage) is popularly used in strips to design and strengthen creations. their own face from Rigid Wrap Plaster Cloth. Consistent, even-textured quality from roll to roll, every time. Activa Rigid Wrap Plaster Cloth 4'X180' Rate. Activa Rigid Wrap Plaster Cloth is premium quality plaster of paris impregnated gauze bandage made for artists and hobbyists.