To enable the Code Pro fonts, open flawhud\resource\clientscheme.res in a text editor and add _pro as instructed in the file. To disable the hitmarker, open flawhud\scripts\hudanimations_manifest.txt and comment out the line containing scripts/hudanimations_hitmarker.txt. To change the color of crosshair or hitmarker, open flawhud\resource\scheme\clientscheme_colors.res and change the values of Crosshair or CrosshairDamage respectively. To change the style, under CustomCrosshair change the value of labelText to the corresponding letter below. To enable them, open flawhud\scripts\hudlayout.res and under CustomCrosshair change the values of visible and enabled from 0 to 1. Customizations CrosshairĬustom crosshairs are disabled by default. For more information, refer to the HUD Mods section of the CastingEssentials Wiki. CastingEssentialsĬastingEssentials features like the score panel, animated health bars and weapon icons will work with FlawHUD when enabled in the console. If you need help, found a bug or have a suggestion, open a support ticket on GitHub or join our Discord server. For additional information, read the project documentation at Support This tool handles all below customization options as well as other custom HUDs. Extract the downloaded file contents into your steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom directory.įor easier installation and customization, download the TF2HUD Editor.Download the latest version of flawhud on GitHub, mastercomfig or v.Custom HUD for Team Fortress 2, with the focus on minimalistic design and dark themed colors.