Offers the third highest one-handed Ranged attack bonus in the game, outclassed only by the armadyl crossbow and dragon hunter crossbow.Increases accuracy and damage by 30% when fighting dragons (excluding revenant dragons, as well as wyverns and the Great Olm.

Offers the second highest one-handed Ranged attack bonus in the game, outclassed only by the armadyl crossbow.Like all Barrows equipment, it degrades and will fully degrade after 15 hours of combat.If worn with the rest of Karil the Tainted's equipment, it offers a set effect which lowers the target's agility level (only works on players).It is the only two-handed crossbow in the game and is also the fastest crossbow.Has the furthest attack range of any bow or crossbow in the game (tied with composite bows) of 10 squares.Has the attack speed between that of a shortbow and crossbow.Offers a ranged strength of +70 when imbued or in top condition.The bow must be imbued or fully charged to maintain its highest ranged bonuses.Offers a special attack where the player's accuracy is increased by 100% (dependent on ranged level and gear used).It is the only crossbow that offers a prayer bonus.Has a slightly longer attack range than other crossbows.Offers a special attack which increases accuracy and damage by 25% each for one shot.Ava's accumulator and device will not retrieve fired javelins, neither can they be picked up.Requires completion of Monkey Madness II to equip.The ballista is 2-handed, forfeiting your options to use any type of shield.Has the highest ranged bonus of any ranged weapon, including a +15 Ranged Strength bonus.Has 25% chance to inflict venom on an opponent.Offers a special attack where damage is increased by 50% and heals the wielder by 50% of the damage dealt.Has an attack speed of 7 (same as darts) in a non-pvp encounter or attack speed of 6 in a pvp encounter (same as shortbows).Bonuses stack with the darts that are used to charge the blowpipe (up to +78 ranged attack and +60 ranged strength with dragon darts).Requires Zulrah's scales (up to 16,383) and any unpoisoned darts to charge.Offers an attack speed of that of a longbow.Uses arrows as ammunition up to and including dragon.Has a passive effect where the higher the target's Magic level is, the more accurate and damaging the bow becomes.Comparison between other ranged weapons Picture